Although this is not something new in the world of shoes, still it is not bad to remind you what people like to invent, and what they would put on their legs to make them standout and attract attention.
These boots are more suitable for the autumn-winter season and we could not but notice them and offer them to you for the winter. Certainly we are wondering a bit how you will be able to walk on the icy streets with them, but of course their designer hardly had to think of this awkward question. Most likely you will be more comfortable if you move with transport when you decide to dandify with them. With these extravagant boots you will certainly not go unnoticed. Depending on your own personal style and the outfit you have chosen to wear, you can put these boots for a formal event, a casual evening with friends or at a birthday party for example.
Otherwise the top of the boots is made of high quality leather, which does not pass moisture, there is no danger that they will clave on the second month, and certainly allows the skin of the feet to breathe. The patent black leather makes the boots very elegant and appropriate and for official occasions.
The black color makes them suitable for almost any outfit and the platform at the base of the fingers, reinforces the heel of the fort which is loaded because of the height of the heel that fits the type of stiletto shoes. If you are used to walking on such high heels you will not experience any problems while you have them on your feet. The design of the boots is very interesting and if you combine them well with your outfit you will definitely leave an impression in all the people around you.